Meet Our Team
President & CEO
JC Pohl is an award-winning producer, nationally recognized speaker, and certified counselor who has reached more than 12 million people with his efforts to build school culture and empower student voice. He has produced ground-breaking programs such as TEEN TRUTH and RISING UP, and award-winning content for companies such as Warner Brothers, ESPN, and Disney. He has also provided innovative educational content for The American Film Institute and Human Relations Media.
His school culture work with TEEN TRUTH has sent him around the world, inspiring students, educators, and parents to tell hard truths and be the difference. During his career, Pohl has been featured on news programs, radio shows, and has received front-page coverage on USA Today and Yahoo! Sports. He has keynoted conferences for CADA, TASC, BOOST, NASC, LEAD, NCSA, NASSCED, ACE, DECA, Texas School Safety Center, COSA, SC AMLE, OASC, DECA, and the PTA. Additionally, he has consulted for brands such as Six Flags, Lifetouch, Union Pacific, Special Olympics, The Miami Dolphins, The Baltimore Ravens, and SHRM Chapters in Maine, New England, and Texas.
To compliment TEEN TRUTH, he also developed RISING UP, an SEL curriculum designed to teach students to build resiliency in the face of adversity. Launched in 2013, Pohl’s RISING UP: Coaching Program has reached students across the country and consists of a peer-to-peer program used by school counselors, the Texas Department of State Health Services, the Texas School Safety Center, 21st Century ACE Centers, Communities in Schools and other leading education related organizations across the country.
Pohl is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, holds a Master’s Degree in Professional Counseling from Texas State University, San Marcos, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Marketing from Santa Clara University. Additionally, he has sat on the board of the Austin Association of Marriage and Family Therapists and manages a small private practice for select counseling clients. You can find him on Facebook and LinkedIn or connect directly at www.jcpohl.com.
Callie Pohl
Client Services Coordinator
Having worked in the healthcare industry since 2009, Callie Pohl joined the TEEN TRUTH team in 2015. She coordinates school events and fields client questions. Born in south Louisiana, Callie’s genuine smile, polite nature and sunny disposition extend her brand of southern hospitality to the TEEN TRUTH client base.
Audrey Bayers
Client Services Coordinator
With a rock solid background in marketing and communication, Audrey serves as TEEN TRUTH’s client services coordinator. She helps reach out to past clients, and educate incoming clients regarding TEEN TRUTH’s ability to build school culture and empower student voice.
Shane Williamson
Associate Producer
Having worked with TEEN TRUTH since its inception, Shane Williamson is a cornerstone of the company’s success. Shane fills multiple roles for the company, editing video segments, servicing product requests, and developing client relations. A true filmmaker by trade, Williamson also works as the Executive Director of the TEEN TRUTH: Film Festival, where he curates student created films from around the world.
Ryan McKernan
Every great company needs a talented wordsmith to articulate its message. Ryan McKernan serves as TEEN TRUTH’s lead copywriter for all of our marketing and communications efforts. Additionally, he has written Building School Culture From the Inside Out and Building Resilient Students From the Inside Out with TEEN TRUTH Co-founder, JC Pohl. His abbreviated portfolio can be viewed here.

Young students face strong winds. We create the support to help them find their voice.
We are a team of people working to redefine the boundaries of school culture development.
We’re experts at assessing problems and providing the right tools to solve them.
All of our products and services are offered with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Teen Truth’s Story
Founded by JC Pohl & Erahm Christopher, TEEN TRUTH was started to help schools build school culture and empower student voice. Inspired by the award-winning, student-shot film series, the movement is designed to promote student-centered education initiatives. TEEN TRUTH’s efforts start with the highly motivational TEEN TRUTH: School Assembly, which is supplemented with films, stories, and activities designed to engage students and develop school culture. Our goal is to spark an honest discussion about the current struggles your teenagers face.
We also offer the TEEN TRUTH: Leadership Summit, which redefines student leadership and allows schools to transform every attendee into a viable difference maker. This leadership program helps students, educators, and parents understand the most critical issues on campus, and create a plan of action to overcome those challenges.
TEEN TRUTH’s RISING UP: Coaching Program extends our efforts a step further by serving as a life-changing SEL curriculum that admins and counselors can use to build student resilience. Focused on changing the language around bullying, suicidal ideation, and life challenges, this peer-to-peer curriculum teaches students the social-emotional skills needed to thrive in the real world.
Everything that we are doing to help schools is brought about through our team members, marketing partners, and clients. Our reach includes schools and conferences in all education-related arenas. In briefest terms, our goal is simple: to empower student voice in every aspect of education.
The concept of TEEN TRUTH emerged as a creative response to the Columbine High School tragedy. It began as a film series that sought to give students a voice in discussing challenging social-emotional issues. Founders JC Pohl and Erahm Christopher engaged five high school students to film their experiences throughout an entire school year. This initiative yielded nearly 100 hours of student-shot footage, providing insights into issues like bullying and school violence.
Supported by B1 Films and HRM Video, the video series released its first film in 2006, titled “TEEN TRUTH: An Inside Look into Bullying & School Violence” which presented a candid perspective on teen issues. The series later expanded to include films on topics like drug abuse, body image, self-esteem, and family communication.
The TEEN TRUTH films have reached more than 12 million people globally and are being utilized in 8,000+ schools. This success prompted the evolution of the movement, with founders JC Pohl and Erahm Christopher engaging with schools directly through assemblies and motivational speaking engagements.
After Experiencing TEEN TRUTH
Students Are More Willing to Report Bullying
Students Believe Bullying is More Serious
Students Believe Bullying Can Cause Harm
(Confirmed by an Independent Study on TEEN TRUTH)
Explanation of TEEN TRUTH’s Mission and Objectives
TEEN TRUTH’s primary focus lies in building school culture, fostering student resilience, and amplifying student voice. TEEN TRUTH offers various services, including school assemblies, student leadership summits, and professional development workshops. These initiatives aim to address important social-emotional challenges and to empower students to create a positive impact in their school environment.
Company Programs and Content
TEEN TRUTH: School Assembly: This is a customizable presentation by TEEN TRUTH which offers schools the opportunity to choose from a selection of films and student stories to create a tailored school assembly program. The presentation covers issues such as bullying, drug abuse, self-esteem, and family communication, and is usually delivered by trained motivational speakers to encourage students to find their voice and embrace social-emotional content.
TEEN TRUTH: Leadership Summit: The goal of the Leadership Summit is to empower student leaders with a deeper understanding of school climate issues and to guide them in developing actionable plans. It focuses on brainstorming solutions, developing initiatives, and fostering connections within the student body with an aim to enhance school safety and build positive campus culture.
TEEN TRUTH: SEL Curriculum: This is a peer-to-peer program that is designed to help school counselors extend guidance efforts across campus. This curriculum emphasizes building relationships, decision-making, goal-setting, resilience, and more, targeting the holistic development of students.
TEEN TRUTH: Professional Development Workshops: These workshops are led by JC Pohl, LMFT and focus on enhancing school culture, building student resilience, and improving mental health. Keynote style programs can last as short as 1-hour, while workshop style programs can last as long as 3-hours with ideal audiences being teachers, staff members, and school administrators. Topics include:
School Culture
Building a strong school culture should be the first priority of every school leader. It is proven to decrease bullying, enhance academic performance, and increase student engagement. Based on JC’s popular book, Building School Culture From the Inside Out, this session reveals his framework for giving students a voice and empowering them to take ownership of their school culture.
Resilient Students
Teens die by suicide each week. Students are crushed by bullying every day. Why can some work through adversity while others can’t? JC offers a direct pathway to one singular solution: resiliency. It’s the ability to take the hits and keep moving forward. Based on his thought provoking book, Building Resilient Students From the Inside Out, this program offers a blueprint that is guaranteed to unleash the powers of resilience within your students.
Campus Relationships
Relationships are the key to any successful life experience, but they are often the hardest thing to cultivate. As a licensed marriage and family therapist JC Pohl understands the importance of meeting each other’s needs, yet many of us don’t know how to simply define those needs. Based on Pohl’s Building Campus Relationships From the Inside Out, this interactive program will clearly illustrate the relational needs that we all have, and teach attendees how to use this new vocabulary to build stronger connections at work and in life.
Overall, TEEN TRUTH is committed to empowering students, creating a supportive school culture, and addressing crucial social-emotional issues through a variety of impactful initiatives and resources.
President & CEO
If you’d like more information on hosting TEEN TRUTH, simply fill out this contact form and we’ll be in touch…