How to Stop and Prevent Bullying in Schools

How to Stop and Prevent Bullying in Schools

Bullying is a deeply concerning issue that affects countless students, causing emotional distress and significantly impacting their overall well-being. Our mission is to equip you with valuable insights and strategies to counteract bullying's negative effects,...

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Ignite Inspiration: Your Roadmap to an Exceptional Year!

Ignite Inspiration: Your Roadmap to an Exceptional Year!

Ignite Inspiration: Your Roadmap to an Exceptional Year! Next month marks TEEN TRUTH's 18th season on the road. So, as we gear up for another year of growth and learning, let's dive into three essential ideas that we have seen unleash the potential of both students...

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Guide to Making School Assemblies More Effective

Guide to Making School Assemblies More Effective

Guide to Make School Assemblies More Effective Organizing a successful school assembly is crucial for fostering engagement and learning among high school and middle school-aged students. Follow these guidelines to create impactful school assemblies that resonate with...

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A Story of Positive School Conflict Resolution for You!

A Story of Positive School Conflict Resolution for You!

A Story of Positive School Conflict Resolution I’m excited to announce our newest book: Rising Above: A Story of Positive School Conflict Resolution, which is now available for pre-order. Similar to books we’ve published in the past, this book seeks to provide as much...

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Motivational Speakers for Schools in 2024

Motivational Speakers for Schools in 2024

Motivational speakers for schools can have a profound impact on young people, inspiring them to set and achieve goals, overcome obstacles, and reach their full potential. These speakers bring a unique perspective and life experience that can motivate and empower...

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School Assemblies In 2024 – Programs & Shows | TEEN TRUTH

School Assemblies In 2024 – Programs & Shows | TEEN TRUTH

Assemblies: Bringing Students Together Assemblies are an essential part of any school curriculum. They bring students and staff members together to celebrate achievements, discuss important topics, and build community. With the right planning and execution, assemblies...

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A 2023 Update from TEEN TRUTH

A 2023 Update from TEEN TRUTH

A 2023 Update from TEEN TRUTH I hope your semester is going well, we at TEEN TRUTH are enjoying every minute of our time on the road working with students and staff across North America. This has turned out to be one of the busiest years in our 17 year history! Having...

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A Simple Way to Build Relationships Across Campus

A Simple Way to Build Relationships Across Campus

A Simple Way to Build Relationships Across Campus As the holidays roll around once again, we’re offered a brief time to rest and recover. And wow have you earned it! I am truly amazed at the effort I’ve seen across the country this year from all of you working in...

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Congratulations to You!   🎉  🤗  ❤️

Congratulations to You! 🎉 🤗 ❤️

Congratulations to You! 🎉 🤗 ❤️   First and foremost, congratulations! It’s easy to forget how hard we’ve all had to push over the past three years. Honestly, they have been absolutely brutal. But from what I’ve seen over the past month, it looks like many of you have...

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Is your school a sanctuary?

Is your school a sanctuary?

Is your school a sanctuary?  As we return to school for our new year, there’s an idea that I’d like to stress which I heard from my friend and colleague Dr. Stephanie Eberts. I was interviewing her for my upcoming book, which focuses on resolving school conflict, and...

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A Message to My Educator Friends… Hold On!

A Message to My Educator Friends… Hold On!

All of the good that you have done this year still exists.  This year has probably been crazy for many of you, and now as it comes to a close, the country has been hit with yet another school catastrophe. There is no combination of words that could possibly articulate...

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Two Simple Ideas That Will Help Support Teachers

Two Simple Ideas That Will Help Support Teachers

Two Simple Ideas That Will Help Support Teachers  With the school year finish line in sight, teacher appreciation efforts are in full swing. I just donated some money to our room parents to help purchase gifts for our kids' teachers. I am sure you are doing the same....

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Use This Activity to Create Solidarity in Your School

Use This Activity to Create Solidarity in Your School

Create Solidarity in Your School Through a Common Goal  For this blog, you will need a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Got it? Great. Let’s get started. First, imagine the perfect school. Take a moment to really think about it. Walk the halls, observe the people,...

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Building School Culture Through Doing Less

Building School Culture Through Doing Less

Building School Culture Through Doing Less Thanks to TEEN TRUTH’s assembly programs, I’ve had the opportunity to personally visit 1,200+ schools. I’ve made a lot of friends, and had a lot of fun along the way. One thing I’ve noticed is that some schools just feel...

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Rebuilding School Culture? We’re Going to Make It!

Rebuilding School Culture? We’re Going to Make It!

Rebuilding School Culture? We’re Going to Make It! Most of the time this blog contains a handy list of actions, or a tip on how to nudge school culture toward a more positive place. Most of the time, I’ll bet you try to do it. Even if you don’t always try every little...

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The Ultimate Guide to School Conflict Resolution

The Ultimate Guide to School Conflict Resolution

The Ultimate Guide to School Conflict Resolution As I travel the country, I continue to hear how COVID has affected our students, staff, and parents.They are hurting, we are hurting, and our schools are hurting. What is the old saying? “Hurt people, hurt people.”...

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TEEN TRUTH: Film Festival – Open for Submissions

TEEN TRUTH: Film Festival – Open for Submissions

TEEN TRUTH: Film Festival - Open for Submissions If you know me, you know that I love movies! They are a huge part of my story and the reason TEEN TRUTH has been able to grow into the school culture movement that it is today. When we started TEEN TRUTH we simply...

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Time to Take Care of Yourself  ❤️

Time to Take Care of Yourself ❤️

Time to Take Care of Yourself As the holiday season approaches, it has become a tradition to give my most important advice to all of you folks working in education: take time to take care of yourself. All of you have experienced a seemingly endless list of challenges...

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