Best Female School Assembly Speaker
Suri Serano Shares Her Truth

Suri Serano is a sought after life coach and youth speaker who has dedicated her life to student well being. Her decades of competitive gymnastics experience and success as a professional dancer in the entertainment business performing with artists such as Katy Perry, Eminem, and Snoop Dogg gave her immense knowledge and understanding of the hard work required to achieve success.
However, Suri’s strength and beauty on the dance stage and tumbling mat were not always aligned with her inner feelings. As a young student she struggled with relentless bullying, disconnected coaches, and an abusive home life. These social and emotional pains took a tremendous toll on Suri’s mental health, and it wasn’t until her work with TEEN TRUTH that she has felt comfortable sharing her story and inspiring a pathway forward for others.
Suri is a TV Host and Sports Broadcaster, a leading life coach for teens, and has been serving as TEEN TRUTH’s best female speaker since 2022.
“I appreciate TEEN TRUTH and the authentic delivery of your message. I would say it was one of, if not the best, school assemblies I have seen in my career.”
Founded in 2006, TEEN TRUTH is an educational services company focused on empowering student voice, enhancing school culture, and building student resilience. Developed from the success of an award-winning student-shot film series, TEEN TRUTH boasts North America’s premiere motivational assemblies, youth leadership training, and peer-to-peer curriculum.
Bring Suri Serano to Your School

Overview & Topics
Infused with the student created films that made TEEN TRUTH a leader in educational content, the TEEN TRUTH: Assembly Experience uses engaging storytelling, real world examples, and audience participation to teach students how to identify different forms of teenage problems. TEEN TRUTH’s school assembly program motivates students to be the difference on campus and in life. School assembly shows run 50 – 60 minutes, are ideal for any sized audience, and can be customized to focus on topics such as bullying, school violence, teen suicide, youth leadership, teen empowerment, and self-esteem.

Legacy & Impact
For nearly 20 years, the TEEN TRUTH’s school assembly program has been heralded as the leading school culture and teen empowerment program. With millions of students reached and thousands of schools impacted around the world, the TEEN TRUTH school assembly experience promises to:
- Empower Student Voice
- Create a Cohesive School Community
- Build School Culture that Creates a Safe Campus
- Inspire Students, Educators, and Parents to Be the Difference

Content & Choice
Using our award-winning content and real-life stories from students we have met on the road, TEEN TRUTH offers customized motivational assemblies to our family of schools. Clients are able to select between our “traditional” school assembly format and our “custom” school assembly format, which features a wide array of content hand-selected by you!
Choose from issues such as bullying, school violence, drug abuse, self-esteem, teen suicide, and family communication, as well as student stories about overcoming adversity, learning to accept self, coping with sexual differences, and discovering the true meaning of leadership. To learn more visit
“I wanted to let you know that all the staff and students thoroughly enjoyed our assembly. It was amazing and emotional! We have NEVER hosted an assembly that has gotten such rave reviews.”
You guys changed my life. You came to our school, and you taught us things we probably will never forget.
I have brought in many assemblies before, but not one has been as powerful as TEEN TRUTH!
I was blown away by your presentation and I’m really amazed about the impact it had on me.