Virtual School Programs & Professional Development Workshops

TEEN TRUTH/365 is a virtual programming option for schools caught in the difficulty of the coronavirus pandemic. Through this platform, TEEN TRUTH provides virtual school assemblies, leadership summits, and professional development workshops to support students and staff while at home or on campus.


Virtual Student Leadership Summits

For schools that do not have the budget or ability to host an on-campus leadership summit, TEEN TRUTH has developed a virtual leadership summit option. Hosted via Zoom or another web video technology of your choice, our speaker will guide your student leaders through a thought-provoking leadership summit experience that will build school culture and create the same student-centered action plan that our on-campus summit delivers.

Virtual Professional Development Workshops

Led by school culture expert, JC Pohl, TEEN TRUTH offers virtual conference keynotes and professional development workshops designed to help administrators and staff members build school culture and improve mental health. Presented via Zoom or another web video technology of your choice, available topics for JC’s sessions include building school culture, creating resilient students, and developing campus relationships.

Live Virtual School Assemblies

Led by TEEN TRUTH’s best youth speakers our live virtual school assembly program features the best of everything we have to offer. Featuring award-winning film content, interactive activities, and inspirational storytelling our virtual school assemblies boast the best virtual experience you can offer to students at home or in the classroom. Presented via Zoom or another web video technology of your choice, these programs touch on a wide array of social-emotional issues including bullying, social media, academic pressure, mental health, and more.



School Culture Expert


Industry Best HD Video

No webcams here! Every TEEN TRUTH virtual program will be filmed using studio level HD cameras with cutting-edge HDMI switching technology.

Studio Level Sound

Hear us loud and clear! All TEEN TRUTH speakers will be professionally mic’d for their virtual programs, giving your audience the experience they deserve.

Top Notch Lighting

Producing films for over 20 years has taught us the value of good lighting! All TEEN TRUTH speakers will be lit with studio quality lights.


Interactive Experience

This is not a webinar! We will use the best technology,  films, and storytelling to engage your audience in discussion throughout their virtual experience.


Mental Health

Hosted by TEEN TRUTH’s #1 Mental Health Speaker, Caleb Campbell, this virtual assembly focuses on the power of knowing one’s truth, the value of sharing that truth with others, and the good that can come out of challenging times.

Student Leadership

Hosted by TEEN TRUTH’s School Culture Expert, JC Pohl, this virtual assembly teaches students the importance of leading with compassion and reminds them of the impact that they can still make in your school community.

Social Media

Hosted by TEEN TRUTH’s #1 Youth Speaker, Jared Scott, this virtual school assembly will teach students the value of their relationships and inspire them to become digital warriors on social media instead of digital worriers.


Can you tell me a little more about the live virtual assemblies?

Live virtual school assemblies are hosted via web-based video calls and last approximately 40-minutes. Your TEEN TRUTH speaker will lead students through an interactive experience that features TEEN TRUTH film content, engaging activities, and inspirational storytelling.

How many students can I invite to a live virtual assembly?

We have hosted virtual programming for as few as 5 students and as many as 5,000. It is really up to you! Web-based video calling platforms like Zoom allow for up to 1,000 callers per virtual assembly, but we have had schools broadcast our message out on webinar style platforms to much larger virtual audiences.

How much do the free virtual school assemblies cost?

The free virtual school assemblies listed above are 100% free. You can use them at your convenience and offer to students however you see fit. To host a live virtual school assembly you will need to contact TEEN TRUTH and book one of our professional youth speakers. 

I like these offerings, but I have more questions.

No problem at all. We are here to help! Contact our office at 818.237.5082 or email info @ and we would be happy to talk to you in further detail.



Founded in 2006, TEEN TRUTH is an educational services company focused on empowering student voice, enhancing school culture, and building student resilience. Developed from the success of an award-winning student-shot film series, TEEN TRUTH boasts North America’s best school assemblies, leadership summits, and SEL curriculum.


President & CEO

If you’d like more information on hosting TEEN TRUTH, simply fill out this contact form and we’ll be in touch…

12 + 7 =


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