3 Student Created Ideas that Can Help!

It can be super hard to motivate students working from home or coming to school in hybrid environments. Often, they feel disconnected and just down right bored.

So, that begs the question…

Are your student leaders finding new ways to build school culture during COVID?

Many of the students attending TEEN TRUTH’s virtual leadership summits this fall have come up with some pretty awesome ideas to help connect students on campus.

A few of my favorites include:

A Virtual Quad
One group of student leaders discussed how much they miss simply hanging out with friends in their quad at school, so they are going to open up a virtual quad during the school day to give friend groups the opportunity to connect.

Honors Student Tours
Another group of high school students thought that it can be difficult to navigate various aspects of remote learning, so they are going to put together zoom sessions where honors students will offer tips and tricks on how to best navigate the remote learning experience.

Small Business of the Week
As an entrepreneur, one of my favorites was a school in the Bay Area that discussed the desire to showcase one small business each week. Encouraging students, parents, and staff to support that small business in any way that they can.

These are all very simple ideas that fuel connections and build school culture in positive ways.

Feel free to use them with your students, and if you want to tap into the potential of your student leaders please reach out. I would be happy to jump on a short 10-minute call, or you can always visit teentruth.net/summit to learn more about our on-campus and virtual leadership summits.

I know things are rough right now, but we are here to help you in any way that we can!

President & CEO, TEEN TRUTH

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