What is a Visual Learner?

What is a Visual Learner?

A visual learner is someone who learns best through visual aids and stimuli. They grasp information more effectively when it is presented in the form of images, diagrams, charts, videos, or other visual representations. Visual learners tend to process and remember...
The Impact of Inspirational Speakers

The Impact of Inspirational Speakers

Inspirational speakers possess a remarkable ability to capture the attention of audiences, ignite their passions, and spur them to action. These individuals, who can be entrepreneurs, athletes, authors, or activists, share their personal stories and experiences in a...
Top Motivational Speakers in 2024

Top Motivational Speakers in 2024

Inspiring Voices Leading the Way In 2024, motivational speakers continue to inspire, empower, and transform people around the world. These speakers share their stories and insights to help others overcome challenges, find their purpose, and achieve their goals. Here,...
Christian Motivational Speakers

Christian Motivational Speakers

What is a Christian Motivational Speaker? A Christian motivational speaker is someone who delivers speeches or presentations designed to inspire and encourage their audience, drawing on Christian principles and teachings. These speakers often incorporate biblical...
Resources for Professional Development for Teachers

Resources for Professional Development for Teachers

A List of Our Top Resource Options for Teacher Professional Development Teachers have many ways to get better at teaching and help students learn more. They can go to workshops, take online classes, attend conferences, join groups with other teachers to learn...
Common Places to Host a High School Reunion

Common Places to Host a High School Reunion

Discovering the perfect place to gather for your high school reunion is an exciting adventure! Each spot has its own special vibe and perks, making it easy to find one that suits your style and budget. Whether you’re into classy venues with history, chill...
School Assembly Ideas

School Assembly Ideas

Awesome School Assembly Ideas That Your Students Will Enjoy School assemblies are like important school events where everyone—students, teachers, and staff—comes together. They help build a strong sense of belonging and unity among everyone. Assemblies are also great...
Camp Games for Summer

Camp Games for Summer

Listing Off Some Of Our Summer Camp Games and Activities for 2024 As the sun brightens the skies and school doors close for the summer, children eagerly anticipate the adventures awaiting them at summer camp. Summer camps are not just about creating lasting memories;...
Back-to-School Activities and Ideas

Back-to-School Activities and Ideas

Back to School Activities and Ideas for Teachers and Students As the school bells ring and the academic year begins, it’s time to kick off the school season with enthusiasm and creativity. To ensure a smooth transition back to the classroom, we’ve compiled...
Safety and Security for Schools

Safety and Security for Schools

Safety and Security for Schools Ensuring the safety and security of students, staff, and faculty should be a necessity for any educational institution. A secure learning environment not only promotes a sense of well-being but also facilitates effective teaching and...
How to Increase Student Achievement

How to Increase Student Achievement

How to Increase Student Achievement Achieving academic success is a shared goal among educators, parents, and students. Here, we explore effective strategies to enhance student achievement, create a positive learning environment, and foster long-term success....
Stay Steadfast This Semester

Stay Steadfast This Semester

So far this has been a great year for us here at TEEN TRUTH. We’ve been helping more schools than ever, and the response we’ve been getting from both faculty and students is incredible! As all of us bounce back from the pandemic, I’ve noticed a common theme among the...
Cyber Bullying

Cyber Bullying

Cyberbullying takes on various forms, each with its own damaging consequences. Harassment and threats are common tactics, where cyberbullies employ emails, social media platforms, or messaging apps to repeatedly send hurtful messages, ranging from insults and...
Teen Vaping

Teen Vaping

In recent years, teen vaping has become a growing concern for parents, educators, and healthcare professionals. What was once considered a safer alternative to traditional smoking has evolved into a public health crisis, with millions of teenagers across the world...
You’re in the Arena (Part 2 of 2)

You’re in the Arena (Part 2 of 2)

You’re in the Arena (Part 2 of 2) When I last left you we had put our finger on one major component of relationships. And that is the power of vulnerability and the value of expressing our needs. In my last story about our football team (which you can read here...
You’re in the Arena (Part 2 of 2)

You’re in the Arena (Part 1 of 2)

You’re in the Arena (Part 1 of 2) One of my favorite speeches is called “The Man in the Arena” by Theordore Roosevelt: “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them...
How to Stop and Prevent Bullying in Schools

How to Stop and Prevent Bullying in Schools

How to Stop and Prevent Bullying Cyberbullying Solutions Ways to Promote Anti-Bullying Bullying is a deeply concerning issue that affects countless students, causing emotional distress and significantly impacting their overall well-being. Our mission is to equip you...
Back-to-School Activities and Ideas

Ignite Inspiration: Your Roadmap to an Exceptional Year!

Ignite Inspiration: Your Roadmap to an Exceptional Year! Next month marks TEEN TRUTH’s 18th season on the road. So, as we gear up for another year of growth and learning, let’s dive into three essential ideas that we have seen unleash the potential of both...
Fun Activities for High School Students: Engaging Ideas for Every Interest

Guide to Making School Assemblies More Effective

Guide to Make School Assemblies More Effective Organizing a successful school assembly is crucial for fostering engagement and learning among high school and middle school-aged students. Follow these guidelines to create impactful school assemblies that resonate with...
A Story of Positive School Conflict Resolution for You!

A Story of Positive School Conflict Resolution for You!

A Story of Positive School Conflict Resolution I’m excited to announce our newest book: Rising Above: A Story of Positive School Conflict Resolution, which is now available for pre-order. Similar to books we’ve published in the past, this book seeks to provide as much...
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