Are Your Students Prepared for College or a Career?
Working for Disney was my singular career goal throughout high school and college. Yes, my career interests were pretty much set once I realized that my baseball talents had topped out by 9th grade!
But not every student on your campus has that kind of clarity.
That is why TEEN TRUTH’s school counselor, Stephanie Lerner, focused this month’s lesson on career development planning.
Often reserved for just school counselors, college and career readiness is something that every staff member on your campus can be helping students with.
Coaches, custodians, nutrition workers, math teachers…everyone should be involved! It takes a tribe to raise our future adults, so please CLICK HERE to share her latest blog with your team.
There isn’t always a direct pathway to success, a student’s dream today might be very different from what they dream of 10 years from now. However, the skills they can develop – goal setting, perseverance, clarity of vision – will enable them to find their way regardless of which direction they turn down the road.
Who knows? There might be a little JC on your campus inspired to work at Disneyland that will learn valuable career planning skills from his counselors and teachers. Maybe those skills will help him down the road when he co-founds his own TEEN TRUTH and works to build school culture and empower student voice!
The big takeaway here is this: even if a student isn’t quite sure which direction they want to head, we can still seize the opportunity to teach them valuable goal setting and planning skills that will remain useful to them their entire lives. So take the time to guide them, and if you’re not sure how, check out Stephanie Lerner’s post to get the ball rolling.

President & CEO, TEEN TRUTH