Free Book Study that Builds Campus Relationships

As a school leader I know you want everyone to be connected, but sometimes we lack the vocabulary to build those connections.

In my new book, Building Campus Relationships From the Inside Out, I’ve charted out a direct pathway to building vibrant relationships on campus. But there is one catch: this magic can’t happen without putting in the work.

During the early years of the anti-bully movement, I could tell that some clients used the TEEN TRUTH: School Assembly to simply “check a box,” but you and I know that that’s not how education works. We need to put foundational actions in place to build school culture. That’s why the schools that use our assembly as part of an overall plan always have greater success than “check a box” clients.

My new book is the same way. We’ve designed it as a tool for you to use rather than just a check box on a reading list.

We’re so committed to offering an action-oriented book that we’re offering a free book study for you to use with your staff. It helps guide conversation and, more importantly, gets some of the heavy lifting done as you build campus relationships.

You can CLICK HERE to download it.

You can CLICK HERE to buy the book (for 50% off enter promo code: relationships).

And you can CLICK HERE to take the free campus relationships quiz.

That’s three awesome resources to help you build campus relationships immediately across your campus!

As always, I am here if you have questions, comments or concerns.

We truly are…. Better together!

President & CEO, TEEN TRUTH

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