Free SEL Films to Use in Class or at School

Every year we sponsor the TEEN TRUTH: FILM FESTIVAL. This is our chance to feature student voice and the power of filmmaking!

We receive student films from all over the world and select the very best ones for you to use on campus with your students.

Every year the quality and creativity impresses us and this year was no different.

From my personal favorite, COMPLIMENTING COWBOYS, to the quirky yet fascinating, RAT LOVER, and the truly moving film, BENEATH THE SKIN, each of these stories represent the heart of what TEEN TRUTH is all about… Empowering student voice!

I invite you to share these films with your students and staff. Use them in class for SEL discussions or on campus as a festival event.

This content is 100% free and our gift to the students and schools that do so much to build school culture across North America.

CLICK HERE to watch the 2021 TEEN TRUTH: FILM FESTIVAL Winners!

President & CEO, TEEN TRUTH

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