This July we worked with Frisco ISD in what has turned into a landmark event for the RISING UP: Coaching Program.

RISING UP, designed specifically to help school counselors extend guidance efforts across campus, will be implemented in 18 schools across the district with 40 school counselors obtaining certification in our training program!

The city of Frisco has been able to empower their independent school district with the resources needed to build school culture, and make sure all of their students are receiving important social and emotional support.  A counseling department that has the backing of the district office will now be able to use our peer-to-peer curriculum to place older students in a position to mentor younger students.

What will the results be?  Research tells us that students who engage in peer-to-peer programming are more connected on campus, score higher on tests, increase their academic performance, and are more likely to make better decisions.

Aligned with the ASCA National Model, our training gave each counselor insight into the power of peer-to-peer programming, and a hands on understanding of our socially and emotionally focused modules.

We are ecstatic to see Frisco ISD utilize our curriculum in our biggest program implementation to date.  If you would like to learn how to extend your guidance efforts and install a peer-to-peer curriculum that can achieve the same positive effects for your school, contact us today at or

Frisco made a big impact on our reach, and you can help us continue to grow as a beacon for student voice and strong school culture.

Help your students learn how to start RISING UP today!

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