One of the biggest problems our school programs face is money. We have amazing teachers who want to do amazing things, but everything costs so much money! Cash shouldn’t get in the way of education, so here’s a great way to raise thousands of dollars in ONE NIGHT!



1. Set up 40 Tables with 8 people at $35 per ticket (320 tables x $35) = $11,200; trust me, if you put it out there, you will find parents and community leaders willing to buy these tickets!

2. 40 Donated Silent Auction Items with starting bids ranging from $40 to $100 with a few starting at $250 (That’s $8,000 if you average $200 per item)

3. Donation Envelopes. Designate several “captains” to give a speech at the dinner, and lay out their plan for the funds being donated. People want to know what their money will be used for, so have good plans ready! Then encourage your guests to make direct donations to the “team” of their choice.

4. Get yourself some corporate sponsors! Student Leaders can approach local businesses and seek Corporate Sponsors for each of the 40 tables. Ask for $200 per business, and give them advertisement on each table in return.  (That’s $8,000!)

You’d be surprised at how quickly a school can generate funds when they work together. And that’s the key; get your students, teachers, and administrators on board – “many hands lighten the load!”



1. Menu:  tri-tip, chicken, rice, green beans, salad, rolls, dessert, and soft drinks (I’ll bet you a starbucks gift card you can get them all donated if you try!)

2. Tables, Chairs, Linens, Centerpieces (also all donated)

3. Event Venue:  find a nice beautiful location that people can enjoy themselves – it’s not uncommon for parents or faculty to have a location so ask around and don’t be shy!

4. Alumni Speakers:  invite an alumni student to give a keynote address where they highlight how the skills and experience from your school has helped them succeed.

5. Student Speakers:  have current students share about their own journey.

6. Slideshow: create a slideshow of all the amazing activities and events that their donation is helping your program do throughout the year. Make it big and visual. Don’t be afraid to dream!

7. Student Leaders Serve: have your current leadership students act as host/hostess and waiters/waitresses. After all, being a leader means service to the community. This is a valuable lesson, and a great way for them to “own” the success of their fund raiser.

I know money can seem elusive sometimes, but believe me when I say, your community wants your school to Rise Up! You’re not imposing, and you’re not being a pain in the butt. A strong community starts with an awesome school, and people are so much more generous than you’d ever imagine.

Go Get After It!

Contact TEEN TRUTH for more info or feel free to reach out to me directly

Stephen Amundson
Activities Director, TEEN TRUTH

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