You Don’t Have to Break The Bank to Make An Impact

I just heard about a really cool event called “Hug Me!”
In this event, students and staff wrote their story – spoke their truth – on a poster board and held it out in front of themselves. At the bottom of these boards, they wrote the words “HUG ME.” Then they stood, blindfolded, in a public space.
This is the sort of bold initiative we like to see at TEEN TRUTH, and during lunch break, hundreds of students saw these brave folks speaking their truth.
Big statements like this can be powerful! If you’re looking for an event that builds school culture, then you should be looking for something that creates a powerful social-emotional response. This is a great example of an idea that captured that exact goal.
I’d love to see your school do something like this. Absolutely amazing!
Remember, you don’t need to break the bank in order to have a huge impact. A simple idea like this one can create a powerful shift in culture, and it won’t cost you anything but a marker and a couple of poster boards!
Keep thinking outside of the box, everyone. It IS working, and as always, feel free to reach out to us for guidance!

President & CEO, TEEN TRUTH

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