My Proudest Blog of the Year (With Free Content)

After the Columbine tragedy, TEEN TRUTH gave students cameras in the hope that it might help students to find their voice. Back then, we had no idea it would grow into a movement so large that it would impact over 9 Million lives in 7,000+ schools.

But it has.

Every year we sponsor the TEEN TRUTH: Film Festival. It’s our way of going back to our roots and inspiring today’s student filmmakers.

Today I get to send you my proudest email of the year: The winners of the 2019 TEEN TRUTH: Film Festival.

These films are student made. They cover social-emotional issues that your kids will care about, and they are all ABSOLUTELY FREE for you to use in class or on campus.

CLICK HERE to watch the films and witness how student voice can change your school culture for the better.

These films are an excellent way to kick off discussion in your classroom, and a solid way to help your own students realize that they can also find their voice! 

Additionally, if you host a film production program on campus or have creative students that really want to make a difference through filmmaking, have them visit and enter their short film in our 2020 festival.

Finally, if the content above is useful to you and you’d like to support our movement, you can receive private access to an additional FIVE films from the festival for just $24.95. Simply reply back to me, and I’ll get you started. You’ll be helping student filmmakers to find and share their voice and you’ll gain access to nearly an hour of the best student made content in the world!

Thanks so much for all the support, I hope you like, share, and enjoy this year’s TEEN TRUTH: Film Festival Winners!

P.S. Hosting a student film festival isn’t the only way to empower student voice. Consider our TEEN TRUTH: Leadership Summit as a way to pull a “diverse” group of student leaders together and ask them about creative ways to solve your school culture issues across campus. 

Or CLICK HERE to read the latest blog from our instructional coach, Sarah Hayden, in it she asks the question… What would happen if we focused on learning, instead of teaching??? You don’t want to miss her answer!

President & CEO, TEEN TRUTH

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