New Vaping Film from TEEN TRUTH for Schools & Teens

Principals, counselors, and students have often asked me to produce a TEEN TRUTH film on vaping. As someone who works in schools, I know that this is a huge issue for our students as well as the adults who care for them.

But to be honest, as a producer, I could never wrap my head around the most ideal approach.

We all know that teens who vape can experience:

  • Slower brain development
  • Loss of memory and poor concentration
  • Breathing difficulties as well as lung damage

Yet, from a filmmaking perspective these negative effects can be hard to bring to life on video.

The struggle has sat with me for a while now…

How can I make a TEEN TRUTH film about vaping, when teens don’t usually face immediate physical consequences from vaping?

But then our #1 mental health speaker, Caleb Campbell, met a student named Sarah when he was keynoting the MASC Conference in Boston. After he shared her story with me and the consequences she faced due to vaping, I knew we had an amazing story to tell.

After working with Sarah this summer, we have our newest TEEN TRUTH film on vaping!

I am proud to announce that Sarah’s film will be featured as a student story in our custom school assembly program.

She scripted it, shot it, and performed it all by herself… Her truth is powerful, her message is simple, and I know it will make a huge difference.

CLICK BELOW to check it out for yourself, or better yet, let’s book a custom assembly for your school and show it to your entire student body. 👍🏽

President & CEO, TEEN TRUTH

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