How to Create Real Student Leaders With One Simple Step

How to Create Real Student Leaders With One Simple Step

How to Create Student Leaders Are your student leaders on poster patrol, or are they actually being trained and directed to lead your campus culture? I often visit schools where student leaders are more focused on making posters and producing theme days than actually...

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Congratulations to Our TEEN TRUTH 2017 Award Winners!

Congratulations to Our TEEN TRUTH 2017 Award Winners!

The 2017 TEEN TRUTH Awards As we traveled both far and near during 2017, we met school admins, counselors, teachers, and other key staff members giving their all to serve students and build school culture. All of them were doing amazing work, but a few stood out from...

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How to Unlock the Power of Student Groups

How to Unlock the Power of Student Groups

Student Support Groups in Schools To start off 2018 on an educational best-practice note, let’s talk student support groups! I am just bursting with so many ideas and resources on how to run support groups in the counseling office or classroom!  A student support...

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Self Care: Don’t Forget to Look After Yourself

Self Care: Don’t Forget to Look After Yourself

Self-Care Tips for School-Based Counselors, Admins & Staff   The holiday season is upon us and self care is more important than ever. Many agree that this is the most stressful time of year to work in a school! Student behavior zooms all over the spectrum as...

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Daily Themes to Develop Student Leadership

Daily Themes to Develop Student Leadership

Quick and Easy Daily Themes to Student Leadership How can I encourage excellent student leadership as an Activities Director? I ask myself that question every few months, and one of the most effective tools I've discovered is Daily Themes! Highly successful and...

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$10,000 for YOUR School Culture Development Program

$10,000 for YOUR School Culture Development Program

Would $10,000 help you build school culture?   Developing great student leaders isn’t easy. Some just want the job to boost their “resume” while others get looped in via a popularity contest. But no matter where they come from or what their purpose is, there is a...

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Cyberbullying Solutions

Cyberbullying Solutions

Cyberbully Prevention With the rise of social media over the last decade, cyberbullying has become a huge problem for students and for schools. To follow up with my October post about bullying prevention, I thought it would be timely to explore the cyberbullying...

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New Social Media School Assembly

New Social Media School Assembly

TEEN TRUTH is launching a social media school assembly!   Crystal is just like your students. She is searching for her inner voice, and cultivating the strength to face the harsh criticisms and unrealistic expectations of the digital world. She and countless...

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The Best Ways to Promote Anti-Bullying in Your School

The Best Ways to Promote Anti-Bullying in Your School

A Guide to Stopping Bullying at School As much as we don’t like to admit it, bullying is as prevalent in schools as gym class and homework. According to the Cyberbullying Research Center, school bullying rates have increased by 35% from 2016 to 2019. Sadly, some...

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Event Stacking: Increase Your Turnout!

Event Stacking: Increase Your Turnout!

We all want maximum exposure for our big school activities, but sometimes people just don’t show! How can we draw interest in our next event from parents and students who already have a full schedule? That answer is in stacking several small events to lead up to your...

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The 5 Best Ways to Save Money on School Assembly Programs

The 5 Best Ways to Save Money on School Assembly Programs

The 5 Best Ways to Save Money on School Assembly Programs $600 to bring a TEEN TRUTH assembly to your school would be a crazy deal, right? Well, that is exactly where we started. I was making most of the sales calls back then in 2006, and let me tell you, not everyone...

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Strong School Culture Can Be Developed Anywhere

Strong School Culture Can Be Developed Anywhere

“Your school is too diverse for this to work.”  “Your teachers are too dumb to pull it off.” “Your time, funding, and testing practices will stop you from making it happen.” As you might have guessed, I call total B.S. on those notions! Click here for this CNN article...

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TEEN TRUTH Welcomes Stephen Amundson

TEEN TRUTH Welcomes Stephen Amundson

5 minutes! That’s all it takes for me to know if a school has strong culture or not. After visiting over 1,000 schools I can feel it. Great culture requires a strong admin team and a tightly connected community, but more often than not it is created by the Director of...

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A Fun Way to Raise Money for Your School

A Fun Way to Raise Money for Your School

One of the biggest problems our school programs face is money. We have amazing teachers who want to do amazing things, but everything costs so much money! Cash shouldn’t get in the way of education, so here’s a great way to raise thousands of dollars in ONE NIGHT!...

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3 Reasons Activities Directors Quit

3 Reasons Activities Directors Quit

The average Director of Activities (also know as Student Council Advisors) lasts for 3.5-years. Let’s take a moment to think about the significant implications this statistic offers in terms of building school culture. Honestly, if every 3.5-years a school is...

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How to Build an Inclusive Campus Culture

How to Build an Inclusive Campus Culture

When building school culture it’s very important to understand WHO your activities are reaching and HOW often you are reaching different groups of people.  Often times our activity programs are only reaching certain groups over and over, while neglecting...

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3 Ways to Teach Your Teen How to Overcome Disappointment

3 Ways to Teach Your Teen How to Overcome Disappointment

Today's teens are feeling increasingly overwhelmed, stressed and anxious, warns the American Psychological Association. In fact, many adolescents actually experience more stress than adults. Studies report that common reasons for this include high parental...

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Goonies #NeverSayDie… What do your students say?

Goonies #NeverSayDie… What do your students say?

While searching for One-Eyed Willie’s Treasure, the Goonies hit all kinds of crazy obstacles: lethal traps, nasty gangsters, and bizarre riddles. But they carried a powerful motto: “Goonies never say die!” The Goonies emboldened millions of Generation X’ers with an...

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3 Simple Ways After-School Can Help You

3 Simple Ways After-School Can Help You

You want to build school culture. You want to extend guidance. You want to improve grades and attendance.   But you’re already working through lunch, balancing a razor-thin budget, and hacking through miles of red tape! What if I told you there was a solution to all...

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