A 2023 Update from TEEN TRUTH
I hope your semester is going well, we at TEEN TRUTH are enjoying every minute of our time on the road working with students and staff across North America. This has turned out to be one of the busiest years in our 17 year history!
Having said that, I wanted to post a few updates for you to consider as you make your school culture plans for the fall.
#1 – We are honored to announce that Morgan Hannaleck and Jamar Root have joined our youth speaker team. They have both had experience speaking in schools prior to TEEN TRUTH and I am excited for them to work with our students. Jamar is a fantastic young man who loves to speak on leadership and inclusivity, and Morgan is a social-worker who does a great job connecting with students around body image and emotional intelligence. You can read their bios and learn more about them at teentruth.net/jamarroot and teentruth.net/morganhannaleck
#2 – Brandon McCall has continued to grow on our team. He has done a great job presenting our school assemblies and is now hosting leadership summits as well. His story has continued to resonate with students of all ages and backgrounds, but most directly with school communities that are struggling with domestic issues, campus conflicts, or general disrespect. To learn more about his story and to watch his brand new speaker reel visit teentruth.net/brandonmccall
#3 – Caleb Campbell has been with TEEN TRUTH for many years and has seen his speaking career rise to meteoric levels. He has landed some amazing corporate gigs and large scale keynotes, but also still has a passion to work with students and staff. So, he will be continuing on with TEEN TRUTH in a limited basis, but still a very big part of our team. Visit teentruth.net/calebcampbell to learn why he is our #1 mental health speaker!
#4 – I am in my 17th year on the road, and still love working with students and staff just as much as I did on day one! In fact, I am flying to Kentucky as I write this email to keynote their state student council conference and I couldn’t be more excited. Additionally, I will have a new book on SCHOOL CONFLICT coming out this summer (you can pre-order here) and you can always learn more about my student and staff programs at teentruth.net/jcpohl
It has been a huge honor to be on this journey with you. Over the years I have seen our team change and grow, but I am happy to announce that this is one of the best and most diverse teams yet!
Let me know if you would like to discuss hosting a TEEN TRUTH program in the fall for either your students or your staff.
Contact form is right below 👇

President & CEO, TEEN TRUTH