Self-Promotion: An Important Skill for Any Educator

As you soak in the rays of summer and enjoy your well-deserved time off to rest and rejuvenate,  I thought I would throw a concept your way: Self-promotion 

May not be a term you would immediately associate with school counseling, but if you take a minute to think over the definition and purpose behind it you can start to see the connection.  Each August we enter the doors to our campus and begin the process of preparing for students and staff to return for a new year. We organize our files, start filling in our calendars with events and trainings, and develop plans to serve and support everyone on campus.  We reflect on the last school year and make necessary changes to ensure our counseling program is supportive, effective, and beneficial. We make our final touches to bulletin boards and create a calm and relaxing office that promotes tranquility and safety. Now we are ready for the kids, right??? 

Not quite……

How will students, staff, and parents know the amazing services you provide as a school counselor? This is where self-promotion comes in to play.  It is crucial for those whom you will support and guide to be educated in what you can offer and how they can request assistance when needed. I am currently the counselor at an accelerated high school.  The students I work with come to my campus for a variety of reasons. My number one priority is to create connections with them by sharing information about myself and my counseling program. My goal is to be as accessible as possible and that starts with teaching them ways I can support them and the numerous avenues available in which they can reach out to me.  It saddens me when I ask about how their school counselor was able to help them in the past and they can’t recall ever interacting or even knowing who their counselor was at the time.  

Every single school counselor has so much to offer to those on campus, but without self-promotion our talents may not be utilized to their full potential. Here are 3 simple ways to promote yourself as a school counselor:

1. Be Visible 

Ensure that your stakeholders and students can connect you to your position as counselor.  Create posters, bulletin boards, and a website that includes your picture and what services you provide.  Visit classrooms and the cafeteria, walk the halls, and attend school functions, when possible.

2. Go Digital

Putting out brochures and sending home printed weekly newsletters are no longer efficient ways to communicate and promote your program.  Technology must be embraced if you want to reach the masses. Here’s a FREE resource guide for implementing technology-based promotion in your counseling program.

3. Stay Connected 

Once you have created a solid foundation and successfully promoted yourself and your program you must continue to advertise.  Work diligently to create a constant “buzz” that reminds everyone on campus how you can assist them in reaching their goals. 

As you ease back into “school-mode” next month be sure to keep the concept of self-promotion in the forefront of all your plans and preparations.  In order to shine as the rockstar counselor that you can be, everyone must know who you are, where you are, and how they can access your SUPER POWERS!  

“Without action, the best intentions in the world are nothing more than that: intentions”

— Jordan Belfort

Penny Knight
School Counselor, TEEN TRUTH

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