Learn Specific Strategies that Build Self-Driven Children with Dr. William Strixrud

Did you watch the interview I posted last week with Ned Johnson, the co-author of The Self-Driven Child? He offered some amazing insight into why building self-driven children is so important.

Today, I am excited to share the follow up interview with Dr. William Strixrud (his co-author). I know that many of us have students struggling with varying levels of personal issues. Some lack motivation, others are hyper stressed, and some simply lack direction. Dr. Strixrud addresses all of these issues and gives specific strategies that we can use to help any child become self-driven.

CLICK BELOW to watch my interview with him or CLICK HERE to listen to the podcast version.

TEEN TRUTH has been the ride of a lifetime for me, and I think these interviews with two of my most favorite authors speak volumes to our enjoyment building school culture and empowering student voice.

Watch. Learn. Share.

President & CEO, TEEN TRUTH

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