The Best Way to Build Relationships on Campus
When I was in grad school for professional counseling, I had the opportunity to intern under Dr. David Ferguson. In that internship, he taught me the single most powerful way to develop healthy relationships. It quickly became the lens through which I counsel my clients.
He called it his “Relational Needs Model.”
I’ve witnessed the power of this model, and it has sparked a passion to bring this information to TEEN TRUTH’s family of schools. I began teaching countless campus relationships workshops across the country, and the results have been nothing short of phenomenal.
In these workshops, we focus on the importance of expressing our own relational needs and the value of meeting the needs of others. BUT here’s the key: this model requires vulnerability and courage in expressing our needs.
So, as an educational leader I want to ask you, what is your #1 relational need right now?
Pick from this list:
- Acceptance
- Affection
- Appreciation
- Approval
- Attention
- Comfort
- Encouragement
- Respect
- Security
- Support
Now here’s the big question. Do you have the courage to go tell someone about this need?
Why not try it? See if the power of vulnerability can improve your campus relationships!
And for bonus points, ask that person, “What do you need, right now?”
See where the conversation goes. If my experience has taught me anything about these conversations so far, you will both benefit from it!
I hope this information can help. If you’re interested in relational need training for your staff, please let me know. You can CLICK HERE to learn more, or email me back with questions.
P.S. If you find this conversation inspiring, CLICK HERE to read Sarah Hayden’s latest TEEN TRUTH blog. In it, she breaks down 4 Ways to Help Teachers Inspire Students, information that you and your staff can read, digest, and implement together!

President & CEO, TEEN TRUTH