The Emotional Baggage Affecting Our Students & Staff


You care deeply about educating students. You spend extra hours, read books, and even joined a closed Facebook group to get fresh info. But your students haven’t really responded, your school culture is still lacking, and your passion for your job is a rollercoaster ride.

So now you’re wondering, “What’s the roadblock?”

One problem might be the emotional baggage that students and staff carry onto campus.

As adults, we are not immune to life’s stressors. We’re all trying to parent our own crazy kids, scraping together time to get to the grocery store, and solving relational conflict in our marriage and business relationships.

Our students are no different. They have an intense amount of emotional baggage as well.

Take Michelle for example. Michelle is a smart, strong, healthy young woman today, but as a student she got kicked out of FOUR schools. She lived in a violently abusive household, and was bullied relentlessly on campus. Her thoughts of suicide ran high, and her anger constantly boiled over. She was the kind of student that would not perform well on your campus, no matter how enthusiastic you tried to be. Yet, today she is a successful business woman, world travelled speaker, coach, and owner of not one, but THREE college degrees!

What changed?

Michelle took ownership of her life. She ran away from home. She bought a one way ticket to New York City, lived on the streets of the Bronx, and for the first time, in a long time, she found hope.

Just like your students, Michelle needed to be put in the position to make her own choices. Michelle chose to risk death on the streets rather than live in a home that was unsafe. She found her voice, despite a truly horrible situation. This is what TEEN TRUTH is all about and why I feel so lucky to have hired her as a TEEN TRUTH speaker. She is in one word: resilient. Just like your students need to be.

In order to celebrate Michelle’s success, I offer you two gifts:

#1 – CLICK HERE to read a blog and download a FREE lesson plan from TEEN TRUTH’s Instructional Coach, Sarah Hayden. In this blog and lesson plan Sarah offers a direct pathway to help your students and staff overcome their emotional baggage.

#2 – If your school is located EAST of the Mississippi River, Michelle and I want to offer you a $1,000 discount to bring her to your campus for a TEEN TRUTH school assembly. (Please note: This offer cannot be combined with any other discount, is only good for schools located in the US or Canada, and your assembly program must take place before 12.31.19.)  

Email me at to learn more about this special offer and CLICK HERE to watch a short video that Michelle created just for you.

President & CEO, TEEN TRUTH

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