Use These Student-Made Videos in Your Class

You want to engage your students, but there’s constant resistance. What would change if you gave students a voice, and put them in the position to solve their own challenges?

The award-winning TEEN TRUTH films are the flagship videos that we offer to address various teen issues, but they are not to be out done by our TEEN TRUTH: Film Festival student filmmakers.

Every year we curate the best student-made films from around the world and include them in our students only festival. These films tackle a wide array of student issues and are ideal for you to use in class, across campus, or at home.

Click below for links to the award-winning films. Use them. Share them. Learn from them.

The Story of The Gofarr Fund

An emotional student-made film about the importance of kidney transplants and the power of resilience. TEEN TRUTH’s “Making a Difference” Award Winner! CLICK HERE TO VIEW

Put It Down

A powerful student-made music video about self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and negative self-esteem. TEEN TRUTH’s “TEEN TRUTH” Award Winner! CLICK HERE TO VIEW


A creative journey into the teenage mind that promises to make you think. TEEN TRUTH’s “OPEN COMPETITION” Award Winner!  CLICK HERE TO VIEW

Helping Haitians

A student-made film documenting a trip to Haiti to build water wells. TEEN TRUTH’s “PSA” Award Winner! CLICK HERE TO VIEW

If you want special access to all 12 films in the festival, contact us. For just $49.95 we can send you a private link so you can inspire your students!


President & CEO, TEEN TRUTH

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