Are You Worried For Your Students?
My dad taught 6th grade for 38 years, he would always joke that there were THREE reasons to be a teacher: Summer Break, Spring Break, and Christmas Break 🙂
I’m sure you have more reasons, but you made it to summer break! Congratulations! Hopefully you’re on a beach, in a river, or sitting by a lake…any body of water will do, really.
But your students might not be having as relaxing of a time as you. I hosted a campus relationships workshop in Oregon last month and a teacher told me she was worried about her students getting out for summer because most of them are “feral”.
Some school counselors have told me that they worry for their students mental health while they are away from campus. And many principals, coaches, and teachers work through the summer to keep campus doors and activities open so kids can stay involved.
TEEN TRUTH’s school counselor, Penny Knight, offers THREE fabulous ways that you can support your students this summer. CLICK HERE to read her latest blog or download her back to school activity as you prep for next semester.
I know you care deeply about your students. That’s why you’re reading this blog!

President & CEO, TEEN TRUTH