The Three Keys to Mental Health on Campus
The Top 3 Keys to Mental Health on Campus Someone recently asked me, “What are the top three keys to mental health?” I didn’t even have to think twice about my answers. #1 is taking ACTION There's a pattern I've seen in my therapy practice and in my work with TEEN...
How to Be A School Counseling Rockstar This Year: A Simple 3 Step Guide
Counsel like a Rockstar As counselors, we dream of spending our days in meaningful small group sessions with students, of preparing testing seasons without hiccups, and of building a happy and successful environment on campus for both staff and students. In other...
The Best Way To Build Positive Relationships With Your Students
Want to Build Relationships With Your Students? Here's How. I led a relational needs training for teachers and staff at La Habra High School recently. The school admin team asked everyone on campus to “create meaningful relationships with all students.” It was music...
Four “5 Minute” Ways to Inspire School Culture
Four “5 Minute” Ways to Inspire School Culture: Invest in The New School Year In June I attended a conference and listened to an excellent keynote speech. As I enjoyed my latte, the topic of school culture stopped me mid sip. The speaker told a story of a teacher who...
How to Start Your School Year Right
It’s about that time… Time to start setting your alarm and remembering what day of the week it is. Time to break out the school clothes and put away the flip flops. Time to reflect on the previous school year and prepare to make this year the most successful one yet!...
Fan of TEEN TRUTH? Check out what’s new!
My dad taught for 38 years. He would always joke, “Summer break, Christmas break, and spring break are the three best reasons to become a teacher.” 😉 I hope you’re enjoying your summer break. It’s a great time to relax, refocus, and recharge. TEEN TRUTH has continued...
School Counselor Application
Do you want to make an impact? Join the TEEN TRUTH Team - Become Our School Counselor - >>> Watch this short 1-minute video to learn more <<<JC Pohl, LMFT-A President & CEO, TEEN TRUTH
5 Tools to Build School Culture This Summer
5 Tools To Build School Culture This Summer What a year! I’m sure you’re exhausted from all your hard work. The school year certainly takes its toll. That doesn’t mean there isn’t important work to be done, but it's still important to take a second to breathe, and...
A Guide to Wrapping Up Your School Year
Wrapping Up Your School Year and Setting Next Year’s Goals In this month’s post, I have lots of ideas on wrapping up your counseling or social-emotional learning (SEL) program and getting prepared for the next school year! This time of year brings lots of closure as...
Are Your Students Prepared for College or a Career?
Are Your Students Prepared for College or a Career? Working for Disney was my singular career goal throughout high school and college. Yes, my career interests were pretty much set once I realized that my baseball talents had topped out by 9th grade! But not every...
Guiding Your High School Students to College and Career Readiness
College and Career Readiness Get ready because College Week is coming! Do you celebrate it in your school? It occurs this year from April 30 to May 4 and its most exciting point occurs on May 2nd, which is College Signing Day. College Signing Day and College Week are...
3 Great Worksheets to Focus Your Student Leaders
These Worksheets Will Help You Develop Student Leaders Student leadership is part of a rock solid foundation for strong school culture, but steering students in that positive direction can be a challenge. That's why our leadership expert, Stephen Amundson, has put...
How to Recognize and Intervene Against a School Crisis
Crisis Prevention and Intervention Dealing with student crises is a sad, but very important part of our job as school-based counselors, educators, and administrators. With so much tragedy in the news these days over school violence, I thought it was time that I share...
How to Create a Peaceful School in 3 Steps
We must take action to create peaceful and positive school culture. Here's how: The recent school shooting in Parkland, Florida has rocked educators and students across America to their core. Once again, schools are faced with terrifying concerns for safety. We cannot...
You Don't Have to Break The Bank to Make An Impact I just heard about a really cool event called "Hug Me!" In this event, students and staff wrote their story - spoke their truth - on a poster board and held it out in front of themselves. At the bottom of these...
Create Culture at Your School With Daily Themes
Daily Themes: Creating Culture in Class If you're looking for cultural direction within your school, a great place to start is with a MISSION. Your mission statement should be brief, precise, and direct. For example, if attendance is poor, your mission statement might...
Stress Management During Standardized Test Season
Stress & Anxiety Management During Testing Season Unless you’ve been living under a rock or inhabiting another planet, you know very well that we are hurtling headfirst into testing season! In this post, I’d like to address stress management during...
School Shootings: What You & I Can Do!
School Shootings: What You & I Can Do! School shootings are one the hardest things to digest because they fly in the face of everything we believe. We love kids. We love our schools. We love the work we do. I’ve been in this fight since we first made the TEEN...
3 Ideas to Relieve Stress On Your Campus
3 Ideas to Help Relieve Stress On Your Campus Stress! You feel it, your staff feels it, and your students feel it. As a marriage and family therapist, I help my clients and my schools work through this unrelenting issue. After years of graduate school, over a...
How to Address Lunch Time Stress at Your School
Winning the Battle on Lunch Time Stress When I first heard about lunch time stress, I had to look it up and I thought to myself, “Is this even a thing?” After all, I was the teacher who either offered students the option to eat lunch in my classroom with...