Ready to Calm Those First Day Jitters?

I remember my first varsity football game in high school. I honestly felt like I was going to throw up. I felt like I had no business starting as a sophomore, and I was scared by the sheer size and number of the opposing players.

But once the game started, and that first tackle was made, it became fun. And with the exception of running off the field on the WRONG SIDELINE, I had a pretty good game and went on to enjoy every snap until I graduated.

Whether on the field or in school, those first day jitters are legit!

So how do we get over them?

First, we need a secure base to operate from. When I work with parents in my therapy practice I compare this to an aircraft carrier. You, your home, and all your work the last 12 years is the aircraft carrier. Your middle school or high school student is the jet!  You have no control over them when they are up in the air, but they know they can radio home for advice, touch back down for some fuel, or hunker down on the ship when rough weather sets in.

Your work at school is exactly the same. Except your aircraft carrier is SIGNIFICANTLY bigger!

So here are a few questions to help focus and clarify your efforts:

What is the one problem my students or staff are facing that I can help them solve?

What is the core negative emotion they are feeling right now?

How can I work to help them feel supported at school?

If you need more guidance in this arena, CLICK HERE to check out our campus relationships training or visit our latest blog from Sarah Hayden, TEEN TRUTH’s Instruction Coach. CLICK HERE for her blog to learn four ways to help staff overcome first day jitters or CLICK HERE to download an activity to run in meetings or in class.

By building a secure base for your students or your staff, you will create the self-efficacy needed for them to overcome any negative emotions they may be facing.

Heck they might even make it to TOP GUN! (Anyone else as excited as I am for TOP GUN 2… CLICK HERE to see the new trailer!)

President & CEO, TEEN TRUTH

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