All of the good that you have done this year still exists. This year has probably been crazy for many of you, and now as it comes to a close, the country has been hit with yet another school catastrophe. There is no combination of words that could possibly articulate...
Two Simple Ideas That Will Help Support Teachers With the school year finish line in sight, teacher appreciation efforts are in full swing. I just donated some money to our room parents to help purchase gifts for our kids’ teachers. I am sure you are doing the...
Create Solidarity in Your School Through a Common Goal For this blog, you will need a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Got it? Great. Let’s get started. First, imagine the perfect school. Take a moment to really think about it. Walk the halls, observe the people,...
Building School Culture Through Doing Less Thanks to TEEN TRUTH’s assembly programs, I’ve had the opportunity to personally visit 1,200+ schools. I’ve made a lot of friends, and had a lot of fun along the way. One thing I’ve noticed is that some schools just feel...
Rebuilding School Culture? We’re Going to Make It! Most of the time this blog contains a handy list of actions, or a tip on how to nudge school culture toward a more positive place. Most of the time, I’ll bet you try to do it. Even if you don’t always try every little...
The Ultimate Guide to School Conflict Resolution As I travel the country, I continue to hear how COVID has affected our students, staff, and parents.They are hurting, we are hurting, and our schools are hurting. What is the old saying? “Hurt people, hurt people.”...
TEEN TRUTH: Film Festival – Open for Submissions If you know me, you know that I love movies! They are a huge part of my story and the reason TEEN TRUTH has been able to grow into the school culture movement that it is today. When we started TEEN TRUTH we simply...
Starting Over is Easy! I love to bring in the new year. It’s a time to reflect on the past and chart the future. As we adjust to writing 2022 instead of 2021 on our time-stamped documents, I want to point out a key value that we can take from the tradition of bringing...
Time to Take Care of Yourself As the holiday season approaches, it has become a tradition to give my most important advice to all of you folks working in education: take time to take care of yourself. All of you have experienced a seemingly endless list of challenges...
No Good Deed is Too Small When Building School Culture November has arrived, and the momentum of the school year has all of us sailing along once again. Due dates are marching toward us, and the often uphill battle of working in education can put even the most...
Free SEL Films to Use in Class or at School Every year we sponsor the TEEN TRUTH: FILM FESTIVAL. This is our chance to feature student voice and the power of filmmaking! We receive student films from all over the world and select the very best ones for you to use on...
BLOOM”Teen Truth” Award Winner RAT LOVER”Open Competition” Award Winner BENEATH THE SKIN”My Truth” Award Winner COMPLIMENTING COWBOYS”Founders” Award Winner Click Here to Learn About Next Year's...
School Culture: The Value of Listening to Your Students As we cautiously step forward from summer into fall, we’re faced with a daunting task. Namely, we must find a way to rebuild our school culture. Prior to Covid, I traveled around the country helping hundreds of...
New Vaping Film from TEEN TRUTH for Schools & Teens Principals, counselors, and students have often asked me to produce a TEEN TRUTH film on vaping. As someone who works in schools, I know that this is a huge issue for our students as well as the adults who care...
3 Simple Strategies That Can Build School Culture! Jared Scott, Caleb Campbell, and I have been on the road helping schools kick off their school year and the #1 strategy that we love to use to build school culture and empower student voice is our leadership summit...
As an LMFT school clients, parents, and teens are always asking me about ways to help teens come with childhood anxiety. Here is the deal… The teen years can be a difficult time for even the most well-adjusted child, and when school, dating, and pressure to get...
Have you set your intention for this school year? Seems like our world is at a fevered pitch right now. School board meetings are erupting. Students are working hard to get back to normal. And teachers are doing everything they can to push forward. Between COVID,...
Are you looking for fun, engaging, and educational student leadership activities? TEEN TRUTH is here to help! Over the years, our team has developed valuable student leadership materials and programs for our Student Leadership Summit. We are happy to share some of...
The main goal for a guest speaker for schools isn’t just to create a dialogue for a particular topic but also to motivate and offer real-world advice that could significantly impact students during and after high school. Guest speakers offer enlightened perspectives...
Learn Specific Strategies that Build Self-Driven Children with Dr. William Strixrud Did you watch the interview I posted last week with Ned Johnson, the co-author of The Self-Driven Child? He offered some amazing insight into why building self-driven children is so...
Learn How to Build Self-Driven Students with Ned Johnson For an upcoming virtual event, one of our clients asked me for advice on how to encourage her remote learning students to show up while at home. It has been a struggle these last few weeks as more and more...
TEEN TRUTH’s JC Pohl was able to visit with Dr. William Strixrud and Ned Johnson, co-authors of the popular book The Self-Driven Child. Watch below to learn how educators, counselors, and parents can work together to build self-driven students! Interview #1...
Guess what? We hosted a virtual parents’ night last month in Washington that was simply amazing! Not only did I have the opportunity to teach our 5 Keys to Building Resilient Students, but the PTA also hosted a phenomenal roundtable discussion with principals and...
Would an extra $6,000 help your SEL efforts? You want great curriculum for students. You want amazing programs to build school culture. You want student leaders and staff members to feel supported. But all of that can cost money! What if we could create $6,000 for you...